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I came to the United States in 1922 to stay with relatives whom I never met before. was the only one of a large family who came to this country with the hopes of getting the rest of my family into the United States.  Of course, as a young girl, I had to work for a living.  And it wasn't too long before I met Marcus.  We were married in 1925 and we both worked.  Then unfortunately Marcus became ill and had to go into the hospital. So, of course our plans to bring the rest of my family here was out.

In the early 1930's Marcus was released from the hospital after a 3 1/2 year stay. He had pneumonia which developed into a serious lung condition. Returning to his profession of working in the shoe industry was not advised by the doctors because the dye of the leather was unhealthy for him. The doctors suggested that his new line of work be of an outdoor nature.

Throughout his illness, I was working as a sample maker for a manufacturer and tried to be the mainstay of our family life. This was not easy.

A friend of our's from Connecticut, who also had a chicken farm, suggested to Marcus that he speak to the people from the Jewish Agricultural Society for possible assistance in finding work that would be suitable to his new needs. Much discussion was held with these people. At first, they were not overly confident that we were suitable people to work on starting a farm. They thought we were too young and inexperienced in dealing with hard work . Only Marcus convinced the Agency that being young was an advantage to starting a farm.  He didn't want me to continue being the sole financial support.

During this part of our life, I became pregnant and again our life took another course. One must remember that my husband was not able to work at all during this time.

Finally he made the decision against the advice of many people, to start a chicken farm. This negative advice included family, the Jewish Agricultural Society, and sometimes me. As the result of his decision, eight acres of land were purchased in Toms River, New Jersey. In February of 1932, with borrowed money on our life Insurance policy, a small savings, and family loans, Marcus and I embarked to Toms River with our 5 month old son, Stanley. As was predicted by the Society, the hard work began.

The first building to be erected on this farm was naturally the chicken house which when completed, had the capacity to hold 1,200 chickens. This was built by a contractor, and Marcus finished building by himself all the extra equipment. With the ensuing years, he continued to add on many additions to this building. The first baby chicks arrived in March and April of that year.

During this time, the family lived next door in a rented room. Our house was being built and in June, although not completed, we decided to move in.

To supplement our income I took in two children as boarders. They stayed for two years and I also had weekend boarders. As you can tell, our life was a very difficult one. The farm was not a one man operation but the combined efforts of a husband and wife team.

In 1934 a representative from the Jewish Agricultural Society came to see us. He was amazed to see how we progressed in developing the farm. Through his changed opinion the Society granted us a loan.  We were  then able to enlarge the farm  and make improvements on our facilities.

In March 1937 our daughter Jessica was born. She brought happiness into our difficult years.  Our farm, family and social life continued to grow over the many years.

Marcus pioneered with a building called "The East-West Building".   His thinking was that it would provide more light for the chickens. Early morning light on the East side and late afternoon light on the West side. It was also cheaper to operate because it was a double building with a central track. This pioneering was recognized in several poultry farming magazines, and Rutgers School of Agriculture. Students from this school were brought to see this building.

In 1947 we sold our farm on Bay Avenue and started a new farm on Hooper Avenue in order for us to have a more modern and functional farm. A new phase also unfolded, new hardships. The planning of the farm was a project for the entire family . Stanley was 15 and Jessica 9 years old. Our hope was that Stanley would remain on the farm. This was the hopes of many farmers, that their children would continue the  poultry industry.

One can never predict the future of an industry and the desires of ones children. We all know what happened to the farming industry. Stanley, on the other hand, developed other interests. His thirst for knowledge in science eventually led him to  become  a doctor.

Stanley graduated from Toms River High School in 1950 with honors. He entered New York University for his undergraduate work with a 4 year scholarship. He took part in many activities while attending NYU. In 1958 he finally aspired to his dream  of becoming a doctor by graduating from  Bellevue  Medical  School.  Throughout  these many years of schooling, Stanley worked at various jobs to supplement  his income. Today he happily lives in Seattle, Washington with his wife Nancy and three children, Deborah 14,Harold 13, and Rebecca 11. There he takes an active  role  in  many activities involving his medical profession and Jewish Community life.

Jessica is now living in Easton, PA with her husband Herman Ytkin. Her children are Neil 16, Rochelle 14 and Steven 12. She too takes a very active role in her Jewish community life.

Marcus lived to see many of his dreams come true. Most of all to see the children happily married and have the pleasure of six grandchildren. He too, participated in many activities in the Jewish community. Unfortunately his retirement was cut  short by his death in May of 1969.

The farm on Hooper Avenue was sold and I have chosen to continue living in Toms River where I have many good memories of long years of association with my fellow farmers.

Pearl Zeitz
