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Our sense of history has kept the Jewish People together for over 4000 years. References to the past, identification with our peoples struggles, triumphs, ideals and perceptions of God have united our generations.  We are a result of our history.  Our continuing contributions to our own and the World's history is a result of our sense of history.

It is not surprising that we should take America's celebration of its history most seriously. Our sense of history tells us that we must.  Our understanding of the role which Jews, Jewish ideals and biblical principles has played in America's growth reinforces our concern for American history.  Our knowledge of the importance that America as a land of freedom has played In Jewish history reminds us of our essential link with American history.

The Toms River Jewish Community, in particular, recognizes its importance in the development of this area and manifold opportunities for economic, social and Jewish development which have been a part of our experience here.

This booklet, which the Council of Jewish Organizations of the Greater Toms River Area presents with much pride, is the result of our attempt to record some personal glimpses of our past.  Through this look at a small slice of our local history, how we came here, what we were looking for, what we found, how we were received, we can better understand America's history and our unique contributions to it.

May we be blessed with many years of proclaiming liberty throughout the land unto all the inhabitants thereof . . . . .

Richard Hammerman Rabbi,
Congregation B'nai Israel

February, 1976
Adar 1, 5736
